• Miyamachi

  • Enjoy Endless Local Wonders...

  • Discover Your Charming, Local Souvenir in Miyamachi

    If you are visiting Sendai, Japan, make sure to spare some time for Miyamachi shopping street. Miyamachi is a lovely little shopping street in the walking distance from Sendai station, spanning about a mile and leading to a famous shrine of Toshogu. It flourished as a shopping street for those who visit the shrine, and is still filled with charming little shops that are quite different from nationwide franchises.

    One Souvenir a Shop

    Miyamachi is now offering "One Souvenir a Shop" campaign for international visitors. Participating shops are displaying at least one product / dish they would like international visitors to try. They are all set and described in English. Pop in shops and discover their unique specialties!

  • Miyamachi News

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  • Shops

    These are shops where you can find Miyamachi souvenir products!

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    Cake House MARCHEN


    Cakes, Cookies, and Chocolate

     5-6-20 Miyamachi, Aoba, Sendai, Japan

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    Dagashi-ya Kuma-chan


    Candies and Snacks

    1-7-32 Toshogu, Aoba, Sendai, Japan

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    Endo Rice Cake Shop


    Rice Cakes

    4-7-26 Miyamachi, Aoba, Sendai, Japan

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    Gandhi Portraits


    Portrait Drawing

    1-4-12 Miyamachi, Aoba, Sendai, Japan

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    Juliet Love Cake


    Cakes and Sweets

    5-2-7 Miyamachi, Aoba, Sendai, Japan

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    Kanno Pharmacy


    Traditional Japanese and Chinese Medicine

    2-1-55 Miyamachi, Aoba, Sendai, Japan

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    Korean Food Sales

    6-1-28 Odawara, Aoba, Sendai, Japan

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    Korean Restaurant Kudara


    Korean Restaurant

    6-1-28 Odawara, Aoba, Sendai, Japan

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    Take-out Side Dishes and

    Meal Sets

    4-6-29 Miyamachi, Aoba, Sendai, Japan

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    Nakano Fishing Tackles


    Fishing Tackles

    1-4-12 Miyamachi, Aoba, Sendai, Japan

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    Natural Foods Nagomi


    Natural and Organic Foods

    5-7-4 Miyamachi, Aoba, Sendai, Japan

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    Photo Printing and Studio Photos

    2-3-11 Miyamachi, Aoba, Sendai, Japan

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    Patisserie Le'bois


    Cakes and Sweets

    2-3-11 Miyamachi, Aoba, Sendai, Japan

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    Pet Shop Saman


    Pet Supplies, Grooming, and Hotels

    4-6-25 Miyamachi, Aoba, Sendai, Japan

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    Tea Shop Kotobuki-en


     Green Tea and Teaware

    3-6-7 Miyamachi, Aoba, Sendai, Japan

  • Toshogu Shrine


    Toshogu is located at the north end of Miyamachi’s main street and only a 3 minute walk from JR Toshogu Station. 


    Historically, any Toshogu shrines were built to enshrine the spirit of Tokugawa Ieyasu, once the supreme ruler of Japan. Date Masamune, the famous first ruler of Sendai region, had a great respect for Ieyasu. Sendai’s Toshogu was constructed in 1654 during the rule of his second son, Date Tadamune to honor Ieyasu's spirit as the guardian deity of his clan.


    Annual festivals reflecting Japanese religion and culture are held throughout the year. The New Year’s prayer and Donto-sai festival in January are especially famous and familiar among the people of Sendai. Toshogu has something to offer in each season, whether it's shrine festivals, cherry blossoms in the spring, or colored leaves in the autumn, so try taking a stroll to this old shrine when you visit Miyamachi.

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    Gate to the Main Shrine

  • Antique Market



    An antique market is held at Toshogu on the 4th Sunday of a month. About 20 dealers from Tohoku region gather here with all sorts of antiques and old articles for more than 30 years now. You can find old kimonos, traditional furniture, china, vintage books and magazines, and miscellaneous secondhand items. If you like kimonos, you'll see them in piles and each piece is sold from as cheap as 500 yen. Whatever you're looking for, you might be lucky enough to find a bargain if you have good eyes for vintage items. 



    It starts from 7 a.m. and finishes around 3 p.m. It's probably better to go in the morning as you have chance to see more things compared to the afternoon. Try an early morning visit and enjoy searching through items that moves your heart.

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    January's Antique Market

  • Miyamachi Clips

    Clips from Miyamachi people's everyday activities...

  • Access

    Miyamachi is within walking distance from the Sendai Station!

  • Contact Form

    Directions, recommendations, advice, questions...

    feel free to ask us any question about Miyamachi!